Adam Sweeny
3 Cooma Avenue
Goulburn. NSW. 2580
Mobile: 0411 474 447

McAtool Maxi M1

McAtool Maxi
Normal price: AUD$50.00 Discount price: AUD$40.00 each


McAtool Maxi

Leave the rest in the shed, a McAtool is all you need


Maxi is the only tool required to completely prepare your garden beds for planting simply and easily.

Chipping, chopping, digging, forming, furrow planting, hilling and hoeing, and so much more.  Maxi performs many functions so you really can "leave the rest in the shed."

Case-hardened 3mm steel makes Maxi the tough all-rounder of the trio.  Gardeners, nurserymen, bush regeneration groups, councils and market gardeners love it!

Check out the video. You'll see what we mean!